Population Complacency Alert

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• World Population in 2050DangersSolution to OverpopulationGag RuleUNFPA programs in China11 Billion or More People (not 9)Fact Checking RepublicansEnergy SolutionsSite Map •

bullet146 women become pregnant who did not plan or wish it
bullet90 women experience a pregnancy-related complication;
bullet35 women have an unsafe abortion;
bullet9 people are newly infected with HIV/AIDS;
bullet1 woman dies from a pregnancy-related cause.
bullet http://www.unfpa.org/

By 2050 Population in Undeveloped countries will have increased by more than 5 billion
US Funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) would have been $84 million in 2002-03. By 2010 there still had been no funding.
$84 mil. would have been a paltry sum and totally inadequate anyway.

Let us prevent far more suffering by
financing FULL Family Planning.

Denial of this funding will cost thousands of women their lives
( and caused 2 million unwanted pregnancies in the year 2003 alone ).

201 million women in low-income countries would use safe, effective contraceptive methods but such methods are not available to them, including 25 percent of married women in sub-Saharan Africa.
If these women had access to reliable family planning services, approximately 52 million unplanned pregnancies would be avoided in the developing world every year.
But instead there are:

bullet23 million unplanned births,
bullet22 million induced abortions,
bullet7 million spontaneous abortions,
bullet1.4 million infant deaths,
bullet142,000 pregnancy-related deaths, and
bullet505,000 children who lose their mothers.

Meanwhile in the year 2003 the Netherlands (of all countries) pledged $50.3 million. Their contribution accounted for some 19 per cent of UNFPA’s mere $256 mil general resources. For the past several years, UNFPA official development assistance has dropped significantly.

It's not leveling to 9 billion, it's looking like 11 BIllion People . Finance FULL Family Planning.


Unwanted Pregnancies

Latest News

Out of the 80 Project Drawdown SOLUTIONS to the Climate Emergency,
6th is "Educating Girls" and
7th is "Family Planning" !
225 million women
in lower-income countries say they want the ability to choose whether and when to become pregnant but lack the necessary access to contraception. The need persists in some high-income countries as well, including the United States where 45 percent of pregnancies are unintended. Currently, the world faces a $5.3 billion funding shortfall for providing the access to reproductive healthcare that women say they want to have.

Between 2015 and 2060, the world’s population is expected to increase by 32%, to 9.6 billion. The number of Muslims – with the youngest population and the highest fertility will increase by 70%. Christians will rise by 34%, Muslims will equal Christians (3 billion each). 

Apr 2017: Trump Cuts Off Funding for U.N. Agency That Supports Contraception

Charity Organizations say "There will be more deaths': from Trump's anti-abortion rule.

The current world population of
 7.3 billion is expected to reach
 9.7 billion in 2050 and
11.2 billion in 2100, according to the UN (Jul, 2015)

Why many women in developing countries don’t use contraception.

FP2020 Nov 2015 Number of Contraception users is 10 million fewer than hoped

Why 222 million women can’t get the birth control they need

UN Population Increase to 2050 per country ( 2012) 

USAID Budget for 2016

June 2015, Republicans to:
----- block all aid to UNFPA.
----- slash funding for family planning by $150 million 
----- implement the Global Gag Rule

STUDY: Women who did not want to be pregnant, but did not use contraception,
37% feared health side effects from contraception.
22% said they or their partner objected.  Women also underestimated the risks of getting pregnant from unprotected sex.

USAID spent 2013 ( page 42)
            USAID Foreign Assistance

Family Planning Is the most Cost-Effective Strategy against Global Warming (Report)

7 family planning trends to watch for in 2015

2014 World Should Prepare for 11 BIllion People


Now it’s projected to be 9.6 billion in 2050.  By 2100, according to the latest projections, the number of people on the planet will hit 10.9 billion!

The same amount of Greenhouse Gas from all the world's cars, planes, boats & trains is emitted by Livestock

Charitable Giving one-to-one

Oct 3rd 2008 - USAID stops providing contraceptives to a world leading Charity.

State of the World's Population 2004

Gag Rule stops AIDS funding
Global Gag Rule Blamed for Abortion Deaths in Ethiopia

Vatican Defends Anti-Condom Stance

Nov 19th 2003, UNFPA Presence in China Reduces Coercion in Family Planning

Plastic Bag Myth

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Apr 30th 2003, Bush, on the $15 billion AIDS aid: "When we see this kind of preventable suffering. When we see a plague leaving graves and orphans across a continent, we must act". But George, don't you know that whilst AIDS will be contracted by 28 million between 2000 & 2020, unwanted births will be over 200 million ? There's your "preventable suffering". No kudos to Bush on allowing condom distribution, the reality is that the legislation requires both financial and physical separation of AIDS prevention work and family-planning work. This would require TWO clinics in every community, not a likely possibility in a poor village!
In April 2002, official government fact-finding teams from Great Britain and the United States traveled to China and found "no evidence that the UN fund has knowingly supported or participated in the management of a program of "coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization" in China."
In fact the Chinese Government, has agreed to lift acceptor targets and birth quotas in the areas where UNFPA is working.
But  Powell said China was the reason he "must" deny aid to every country that is served by the fund, despite the State Department's own investigator's findings of UNFPA's non-involvement in China's One-Child policy.

Of the deprived children, born as a result of Bush's mis-calculated  policy, how many might become anti-American Terrorists?
 This unnecessary increase in 3rd-world population will occur despite causing a similar 77,000 increase in infant deaths as in 2003.

But after reluctantly signing the bill into law, Bush unexpectedly stopped payment on the money, under pressure from anti-abortion forces, even although a repeal of the Gag Rule was dropped from the Bill. This bill is still in limbo March 12, 2022.

  At the International Conference on Population and Development, governments estimated that basic reproductive health services, including family planning, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and population research and policy formulation would require funds  of  $17 -21  billion  per year

Contact your representatives:
80 million pregnancies each year are unplanned. 
Over 350 million women do not have access to a full range of safe and effective contraceptive methods.
Over 52 million women in Africa, Asia and Latin America deliver their babies each year without a nurse, midwife or doctor present. Some 514,000 women die each year during or after pregnancy because they did not receive prompt treatment, and at least 7 million women suffer infection or injury. More than 330 million people are infected with a sexually transmitted disease each year. Half of all new HIV infections occur in young people under age 25.


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